
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Lancaster Family Stands Up to HHS Mandate

Anthony Hahn is president and CEO of Conestoga Woods, the Pennsylvania cabinetry company that joins Hobby Lobby  in challenging the Obama administration’s Department of Health and Human Services abortion-drug, contraception, sterilization Obamacare mandate before the Supreme Court. Hahn and his family are Mennonites, while Hobby Lobby’s David and Barbara Green are evangelicals. Hahn talks to National Review Online’s Kathryn Jean Lopez about the case.

 KATHRYN JEAN LOPEZ: Did you ever think — before the last year or so — that your family business would ever have a hearing at the Supreme Court?

ANTHONY HAHN: No, my family never, ever thought that we would have to appear in front of the Supreme Court to protect the faith that Conestoga was founded on. We never thought that we would have to be in any court.

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