
Thursday, April 17, 2014


From KeepLifeLegal

Prochoice/proaborts conclude that women know if the baby they’re carrying is ‘life worthy’. Life worthiness is an opinion, not a scientific fact…because if it were, would ANYONE be worthy enough to be born?
There are the usual abortion excuses to kill at least 25% of unborn babies – disability, economic, rape, selfishness – but what would happen if we broadened the abortion excuses spectrum to include what MIGHT happen?
One day these prochoicers will eventually want to be parents – then what exactly will be their criteria? We already know they won’t have children that ALREADY have disability or ALREADY have economic/socioeconomic woes or their current selfishness toward life. When their ‘wanted’ child turns 5 years old and gets cancer, should she/he have aborted JUST IN CASE she would have gotten cancer? If her ‘wanted’ child grows up and becomes a drug addict, would it have been better that the child been aborted JUST IN CASE he/she became an addict?

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