
Friday, April 11, 2014

Millions Still Suffering

From Brian
Catholic Vote 

Obama's Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has resigned.

But make no mistake, the problems with Obamacare won't end with her departure. 
First Amendment still under attack: The Obamacare HHS mandate which forces businesses and religious organizations to pay for abortion-inducing drugs was authored by HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. The attack on religious liberty and the consciences of pro-life Americans will remain after Sebelius’ departure because it has the full support of the entire Obama administration, which defended the notorious regulation in oral arguments before the Supreme Court in March.

Fewer jobs: The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office announced in February that Obamacare will cost the nation the equivalent of 2.5 million workers over the next decade. 1

Higher premiums: E-health reported in February that family plans averaged $663 a month, up 56% from last year (before Obamacare provisions took effect) and individual plans now cost $274 a month, up 39% from last year. 2

Rates will keep rising: “I do think that it's likely premium rate shocks are coming. I think they begin to make themselves at least partially known in 2015 and fully known in 2016,” said Chet Burrell, CEO of CareFirst BlueCross Blue Shield. 3 
Obama has chosen Sylvia Mathews Burwell, the director of the Office of Management and Budget, to replace Kathleen Sebelius.

Burwell previously worked for Bill Clinton's presidential transition team in 1992 and also served as the president of the Global Development Program for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (an organization which is a large financial supporter of pro-abortion groups). We expect her to continue Sebelius’ pro-abortion advocacy if she is confirmed as HHS Secretary by the Democratic Senate.

So, yes, we are happy to see Kathleen Sebelius go. But we are under no illusion that Burwell will deliver better healthcare for working families who are struggling under the weight of Obamacare.

Full repeal is what American families need. 
The misson of is to educate and inspire Americans of all faiths to prioritize the issues of life, faith, and family.

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