
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Oregon’s Covanta plant incinerates aborted babies to generate electricity

We are reminded again and again, in schools and by the media, of the horrific practices of Nazi Germany — how the Nazis dehumanized Jews as Untermenschen (sub-human), herded them into concentration camps, then exterminated an estimated 6 million of them in gas chambers and even used their fat to make soap.

  But that’s EXACTLY what we’re doing to tiny human beings of all races under the guise of a woman’s “reproductive rights”. And it’s lawful!
Since 1980, a total of 1,332,55o,000 unborn babies have been killed. That’s one BILLION 332 million 550 thousand!

A month ago, came news from across “the pond” that the remains of thousands of aborted and miscarried babies in the UK were incinerated as clinical waste, with some even used to heat hospitals.

Now comes news that this barbaric practice isn’t just in the UK. An energy plant in Oregon, Covanta Waste-to-Energy Facility, burnt…

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