
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Planned Parenthood: Investigate Their Plan

by Kristi Burton Brown
for Live Action News

There’s a big difference between what Planned Parenthood says, and what they do.

So says the headline quote from Alliance Defending Freedom’s revealing project,Investigate Their Plan. Through this project, ADF invites average citizens to find out what Planned Parenthood is focused on. The abortion giant likes to keep its agenda under wraps, but a little digging reveals the chilling truth.
It’s one thing to believe what a supposedly-credible organization tells you. It’s quite another to find out the real truth behind the organization’s words.
Planned Parenthood would like women everywhere to believe it is a credible, feminist, and worthy organization. Yet nothing could be farther from the truth. ADF’s Investigate Their Plan provides vital information to women – and all Americans – who want to know the facts.
Planned Parenthood says abortion services are a fraction of their business, yet more than half of their revenue comes from abortions. To make matters worse, former employees say clinics have abortion quotas and Planned Parenthood continues to oppose legal requirements to inform pregnant women of potential serious physical and psychological problems associated with abortion procedures.
continue reading at

Kristi Burton Brown is a pro-life attorney, volunteering for Life Legal Defense Foundation and also as an allied attorney for Alliance Defending Freedom. 

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