
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Rally and Press Conference Planned to Promote Pennsylvania H.B. 1762

From Mike McMonagle, President
Pro-Life Coalition of Pennsylvania

At a March 18, 2014 meeting  Representative Ron Marsico, the Chairman of the Pa. House Judiciary Committee, stated that he is likely to hold a vote on this legislation in early June 2014.  Given the make-up of this Committee, the bill is very likely to pass if it receives a vote.  (H.B. 1762 can be read using this link) and (and Mike's argument for passage of this bill can be read using this link)

On April 9, 2014,  meetings were held by Mike McMonagle and Ted Meehan with most of the leaders of the Pro-Life Caucus (i.e., Sen. John Eichelberger, Rep. Bryan Cutler, Rep. Jerry Stern and Rep. Bryan Barbin).  They renewed their support for the bill and  discussed plans on how to get it passed.

These Pro-Life Caucus leaders agreed to participate in the Rally and press conference for this bill on Tuesday, April 29, 2014 at 1:00 PM on the Main Capitol Steps.

Our message is "No More Gosnells in Pa."  Just as S.B. 732, which passed in December 2011, placed restrictions on abortion facilities in our state to help us prevent another abortion chamber like Gosnell's "Women's Medical Services," H.B. 1762 would help in preventing abortionists like Gosnell.

We have selected April 29th for this event because Pa. Planned Parenthood (PP) is organizing their supporters to travel to the Main Capitol on this day and lobby against H.B. 1762.  PP's message is "Stop the Texas-ification of Pennsylvania."  Ten abortion chambers have closed in Texas since their Admitting Privileges law took effect on November 19, 2013.

Thus, our efforts are likely to receive media attention on this day as a "balance" to the media's likely coverage of PP's efforts.  In addition, our efforts on this day are likely to boost the morale of pro-life legislators and educate all legislators about this issue.

In addition to pro-life leaders in the Pa. General Assembly, Maggie Sweet, the Lehigh Valley Director of Silent No More, will be speaking at this event.

Please attend this event and encourage others to attend this event at 1:00 PM on Tuesday, April 29, 2014.

We will also gather at 11:00 AM in the cafeteria to organize the distribution of materials to legislators on this issue.  Please also join us for these efforts.

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