
Friday, April 18, 2014

Urgent Action Request in Support of Pro-life in Colorado

just one minute 

From John Pisciotta
Director of Pro-Life Waco

Pro-Lifers Far and Wide,

Colorado needs you on a Denver Post on-line poll on a critical legislative battle there. Just go to the poll link in blue below and vote “NO”. And forward this action request to your friends.  We must pull together to win the battles for life. Below the dotted line is the message I just received from Diane Hochevar of Pro-Life Southern Colorado. Now, go do the right/pro-life thing!

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Today's Denver Post  opinion poll needs you all to (1) vote and (2) forward this to everyone you know.

Today's question is: 

Should the Colorado legislature pass Senate Bill 175, which would prohibit any state or local policy that "denies or interferes with an individual's reproductive health care decisions"?

The results so far (1:45 p.m.) are not good:
Total Votes = 1747
Yes -- 1006 Votes, or 57.58 %
No -- 741 Votes, or 42.41%

Go to to vote (scroll down the page to find this poll)

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