
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Warren Buffet Gives $millions for Abortions

Don’t be fooled by his “aw-shucks I’m-just-a-regular-guy” folksy image.

Behind the smiling mask of Warren Buffet is a rabid pro-abort who funnels TENS OF MILLIONS of dollars into killing the unborn each year.

Buffet, whose preternatural investing success has made him the fourth richest person in the world, is often described as folksy. But he’s also a longtime population-control buff, and his foundation pours tens of millions of dollars into abortion-funding work every year. In 2011, his foundation gave more than $115 million to pro-choice groups, with a large portion of that going to groups that fund abortions rather than merely doing education or advocacy.

National Review Online previously reported on the growing presence of charities that help women pay for abortions. Groups like the Lilith Fund have drawn increasing national attention, thanks in part to the efforts of pro-choice celebrities like Zach Galifianakis and Sarah Silverman. Buffett is not widely known as an abortion advocate, but his contributions dwarf those of better-known members of the pro-choice movement.

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