
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

ACTION: Sign the Petition to Defend Life in SPAIN

From Eric Scheidler,Executive Director
Pro-Life Action League

I usually write about what you can do to fight abortion here at home, but today I have an opportunity for you to help the pro-life cause on an INTERNATIONAL scale.

Our pro-life brothers and sisters in Spain are on the cusp of a MAJOR pro-life victory, but now they need OUR HELP!

In 2010, the governing Socialist Party passed a sweeping new law that created abortion on demand throughout the first trimester of pregnancy. Since then, more than 300 babies a day have been aborted in Spain.

Popular opposition to the abortion law was so great that it carried the pro-life People's Party to a landslide victory in 2011, promising to restore legal protection to unborn children.

Last year, they followed through by proposing a new law that would severely restrict abortion in Spain. Though not perfect, the new law will save thousands of lives every year.

But now Spain is coming under tremendous pressure from outside forces, including the European Union, to drop the new pro-life bill or water it down until it's meaningless.

In one shocking incident, a group of shrieking, topless women from the Paris-based radical feminist group FEMEN attacked the Cardinal of Madrid as he was entering a church to say Mass.

You and I can't let pro-abortion voices be the only thing the Spanish government is hearing at this moment of crisis!

Please sign my petition encouraging Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy to follow through on his campaign promise and enact this new pro-life law in Spain!

If the pro-life government of Spain can pass this law, other governments -- especially in Latin America -- will feel empowered to pass similar pro-life laws in their own countries.

Taking action today to defend life in Spain could have WORLD WIDE repercussions,  Please sign the petition right away.

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