
Monday, May 12, 2014

Doctors Advised Abortion, But My Little Miracle is a Symbol of Hope for Others

Little Maisie Smith, when she was 18-week-old in her mother’s woman, was diagnosed with a diaphragm defect that led doctors to advise her mother to consider abortion. The congenital diaphragmatic hernia condition made it so her organs slipped into her chest cavity, preventing her lungs from growing properly.
But her mother had no interest in abortion and wanted to do everything possible to allow Maisie a chance at life. After a surgery to correct the condition shortly after birth, mother and baby are happy.

The sad reality is that doctors are quick to promote abortion as a solution when even the smallest “problem” is seen with a developing child. These kinds of stories are so routine that something must be done to promote pro-life ethics to doctors and medical works who too often see death as a solution for imperfection.
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