
Monday, May 5, 2014

Dr. Alveda King Addresses Black Genocide in Missouri

by Jeannie Deangelis
for Live Action News

In 2009 a billboard was erected in New York’s Soho district that read: “The Most Dangerous Place for an African-American is in the Womb.” That wakeup call was  taken down right after it went up. Yet despite the unwillingness to know the truth, the veracity of the message is unchanged.
According to  2009 data presented by New York City’s Department of Health, “Fifty-seven percent of black pregnancies in the city end in abortion,” which, at best, is a shocking piece of data.
Dr. Alveda King, whose uncle is the late Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., defines the murder of black babies in the womb as genocide. A civil rights champion in her own right, King received the Life Prize Award and the Civil Rights Award from the Congress of Racial Equality, and currently serves as a Pastoral Associate with Priests for Life.
Recently, while addressing a group of students at the University of Missouri, Alveda King alerted her audience to the reality that whether they realize it or not, black people are murdering themselves. After being introduced to the people gathered at Columbia’s Jesse Auditorium by Students for Life President Rachelle Engen , Dr. King shared with listeners her family background, her Christian faith, and her unwavering commitment to protect life at all stages.

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