
Friday, May 2, 2014

Federal Court VICTORY for Joe Scheidler‏

From Eric Scheidler, Executive Director
Pro-Life Action League

I've some EXCELLENT news. The NOW v. Scheidler lawsuit that pro abortion forces brought against my father Joe all the way back in 1986 is FINALLY OVER!

Twenty-eight years ago, the National Organization for Women (NOW) sued my father, the Pro-Life Action League, and several other activists for "interfering with interstate commerce" with their pro-life activism.

They even went to far as to use the federal "RICO" statute -- designed to target organized crime syndicates like the Mafia -- to paint pro-life activists as "racketeers"!

After three trips to the US Supreme Court and a unanimous victory in the final ruling in 2006, we thought it was all over. But then NOW refused to pay court costs as require by law!

So the case continued to drag on for years, with NOW owing the League $63,000 and refusing to pay up.

But this week, following a hearing on Good Friday, a three-judge panel from the federal court of appeals issued a FINAL ruling, ordering NOW to pay what they owe.

Here's what the judges had to say in the final sentence of their ruling: "This litigation has lasted far too long. At last it is over."

You can get more details on this epic case -- the longest in U.S. federal court history -- on the League's website at:

Needless to say, my father and I couldn't be happier! In a system so rife with injustice, it's heartening to see truth and justice prevail.

But this isn't just a victory for my father and the Pro-Life Action League. This is a victory for ALL pro-lifers.

NOW intended this lawsuit to END pro-life activism. With their cynical efforts to delay the final end of the suit as long as possible, they were thumbing their noses as ALL of us.

Today you can celebrate this week's great court victory by making a special gift to the Pro- Life Action League to support the kind of pro-life work that brought on this outrageous lawsuit:

My father's brand of pro-life activism proved such a threat to the abortion industry that they dedicated 28 years to fighting this case.

Yet all along, the League has CONTINUED to save babies and expose the truth about abortion. Thanks for being a part of that effort!

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