
Monday, May 26, 2014


By RevKatherine Marple

Memorial Day is upon us, and those of us that have family who have served know this special day intimately. I have family in a National Cemetary; it’s overwhelming to see all those marble markers representing a soldier who chose to serve. Each one has a story to tell.
This Memorial Day, I challenge you to also remember those that fell during the War on Women, who died without a parade or given a solemn service with flowers and family present: The Unborn.
  • Number of American battle deaths in all U.S. wars since 1776: 654,000
  • Number of abortions in the United States since 1970: 52,333,826
  • Ratio of U.S. abortions to battle deaths in all U.S. wars: 80 to 1. 
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