
Friday, May 9, 2014


by Chris Rostenberg
Live Action News

If someone with the AIDS virus was about to have sex with you, should they have to tell you about their virus first?  Planned Parenthood doesn’t think so.  If the law says that HIV positive people have to disclose their status to their partners before sex, is that a good law?  Planned Parenthood thinks that such laws should be overturned.  Both of these positions are advanced in a Planned Parenthood “educational brochure” directed at young people who are HIV positive called “Healthy, Happy and Hot,” which is available online. I urge readers to view it.
The “Healthy, Happy and Hot” brochure calls itself, “A guide for young people living with HIV to help them understand their sexual rights, and live healthy, fun, happy and sexually fulfilling lives.” Nothing is said of the health of people who don’t have HIV because that is a group that stands to become sick should the Planned Parenthood advice be taken.  “This guide is for … young people living with HIV who are just starting to think about dating and sex … No matter who you are, this guide is for you!”
The brochure is an impressive piece of propaganda promoting the bizarre worldview of the abortion giant Planned Parenthood, which is perhaps the leading organization of the nine-month pro-choice movement (supporting abortion without qualification).  The brochure has cheerful images of young people jumping through the air with glee before a colorful background which clashes dreadfully with its subject matter – young people with AIDS.  The images look like a Pepsi ad might if the soda company had a bigger advertising budget.  The material was handed out at a Girl Scout meeting at the United Nations at which parents were banned.
Chris Rostenberg was once a pro-choicer – when he thought “pro-choice” meant anyone who supported any abortion. Now he believes a pro-choicer is a person who supports nine month abortion under all circumstances. Nine-month pro-choicers make up the most destructive political movement of all time, far worse than Nazis and Soviets combined. Chris has been learning about the issue and working to educate his peers for over two decades. He believes online media will create a tipping point for young people converting to the pro-life/pro-compromise position. 

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