
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Medical Examiner Confirms Woman Died From Heart Attack After Botched Abortion

by Steve Ertelt

The Cuyahoga Medical Examiner’s Office ruled today that a young woman died from complications due to a legal abortion she obtained at a Cleveland abortion clinic earlier this year.
Wilson, 22, died as the result of a heart attack suffered immediately after she underwent a therapeutic abortion. The full autopsy report is not yet available, according to the statement.
This confirms the information released to LifeNews by Operation Rescue, which has released two videos featuring 911 call recordings showing a pattern of botched abortions at Preterm abortion clinic in Cleveland, Ohio, where Lakisha Wilson suffered a fatal abortion.
“After we obtained 911 records that stated a patient was ‘not breathing at all, along with the notation that there was a patient death, we were sure that Wilson died from abortion complications. That has now been confirmed by the Medical Examiner’s office,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “If Lakisha Wilson had not gone to Preterm, she would be alive today. We renew our call for the closure of that abortion clinic in order to protect other women from suffering Lakisha’s tragic fate.”
Wilson’s death was first discovered by the group through an open records request for 911 records after being tipped off by Pastor Dale Henkel, who photographed the ambulance at Preterm on March 21, 2014.

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