
Monday, May 26, 2014

Pennsylvania H. B. 1762 - Please Ask Your House Member to Co-sponsor This Bill

From Mike McMonagle, President
Pro-Life Coalition of Pennsylvania

This legislation is in the Pa. House Judiciary Committee, where it is likely to be considered in early June 2014.  This legislation requires abortionists to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of the abortion facility where they want to commit abortions.  Its enforcement in other states has resulted in the reduction of abortions and abortion chambers in those states.

Our efforts in recent weeks have increased the number of co-sponsors of H.B.1762 from 20 to 50.  Here is a link to the current co-sponsors.  If your Pa. House member is pro-life and not a co-sponsor, please ask him or her to co-sponsor H.B.1762. (Find your Representative and their contact info using this link.)

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