
Friday, May 2, 2014

Sisters of Life - Offering Hope in the Goodness of Life

From Choose Life
Please help our Sisters in their missions to pregnant women and at the service of the Sisters of Life community.
 They are in need of new (or newer) computers! Many of the computers that they use in their missions are old and are running Windows XP. Unfortunately, Windows is discontinuing their support and updates for XP this April, which will make any XP computers we're still using at that point a security risk to our whole network. Thus, they are specifically in need of new (or newer) computers that are running Windows 7 or Windows 8. Desktop computers are great: they actually have quite a few screens, keyboards, and mouses, so what they most in need of is just the computer tower (or workstation) itself and they can use it with the screens, etc. they have already (though they'll accept screens, etc., too, if they're part of the package). Laptops are fine as well.
Due to this upcoming security issue with old XP systems, they're unable to take any more computers running Windows XP (or Vista) at this time unless they can be updated easily to Windows 7 or 8.
These sisters serve 800 moms and children a year and need our help and support.  

Please pass on the word and help so someone might be able to help these holy women in cash or kind (God will repay you ten fold buddies  )
If you would like to help the Sisters of Life with a donation, CLICK HERE  for more information. 
History of the Sisters of Life
During a visit to the Dachau Concentration Camp, the then Bishop-elect John J. O’Connor placed his hands inside the red brick crematoria oven and “felt the intermingled ashes of Jew and Christian, rabbi, priest and minister.” Struck to the heart, he proclaimed, “Good God, how could human beings do this to other human beings?” In that instant, he received a life-transforming grace and vowed to do all he could, from that moment forward, to protect and enhance the sacredness of every human life, wherever it was most vulnerable.
Several years later, now John Cardinal O’Connor, Archbishop of New York and the leading voice for life within the Church, he prayed to understand why the efforts of the pro-life cause were not gleaning the results expected. His eyes fell upon the passage from Scripture, “This kind of demon can only be cast out by prayer and fasting,” and another, life-transforming, grace was his. This time, though, the grace was not just a personal one, but one for the whole Church; it was the grace that gave birth to a new charism, a new religious community in the Church, the Sisters of Life.

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