
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Valuing Motherhood on Mother's Day

Mother's Day is getting me thinking about how much we value Motherhood.

According to a CBS news report dated 5/9/14, Mother's Day is the holiday that generates the second-largest amount of consumer spending. Americans will spend between $18 billion and $19 billion to show our moms how much we love them.

Personally, I know that my kids will be giving me a nice gift and cards. I'm remembering the mothers in my life with calls, texts, cards, and gifts. Sadly, I'm putting flowers on my mother's grave this Mother's Day, as she passed away nearly a year ago.

We have a whole subset of mothers, however, who won't get a card or a gift or any kind words.

  • The young girl who has been dumped by her boyfriend because she's pregnant
  • The woman whose husband just lost his job and now thinks her only option is to abort
  • The woman who has been given an adverse prenatal diagnosis and whose doctors are pressuring her to abort
  • The rape survivor who finds she's pregnant
  • The woman who had an abortion this week (or 20 years ago) and is regretting it 
  • The woman who gave her baby up for adoption
  • The woman who has miscarried or suffers from infertility after abortion

How much do we value THESE mothers? How can we show our love and support? I know I'm preaching to the choir here, for the most part...but maybe I'll give you an idea of how to honor your mother(s) better by helping another mother. Here's some ideas -- many of which you already may know:

  • Buy a pack of diapers or wipes for a local maternity home or pregnancy resource center 
  • Volunteer to babysit for a single mom you know
  • Tell a post-abortive woman about Rachel's Vineyard retreat
  • Reach out in love to women considering abortion by working a hotline or keeping vigil in front of an abortion clinic
  • Pray. Alone. With your families. With your faith community. All the time, anywhere.
  • Speak up when you hear Motherhood - even "unplanned" motherhood -- denigrated. 
  • Be that "safe place" a woman in a crisis pregnancy can go to in a time of need.

May God bless you and your families on this Mother's Day. Please share your blessings and love with those who are not honored on this day. 

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