
Sunday, May 4, 2014


Cassy Fiano
for Live Action News

Thursday was the National Day of Prayer, and at an event sponsored by Rep. Robert Aderholt, Focus on the Family founder James Dobson was invited to be a speaker. One Democrat congresswoman, Rep. Janice Hahn, interrupted Dobson’s speech before storming out of the event. What invoked Hahn’s fury?
An outraged Democrat congresswoman from California said she was so dismayed to hear James Dobson, the founder of the Christian group Focus on the Family, refer to President Obama as the “abortion president” at Thursday’s National Day of Prayer, she had to leave.
Rep. Janice Hahn stormed from the event shortly after Mr. Dobson spoke, the Huffington Post reported.
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Cassy Fiano is a blogger who lives with her husband, a United States Marine. They have a toddler named Ben, a second son named Wyatt, who has Down syndrome, and a little girl named Ivy. 

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