
Monday, June 23, 2014

Gov. Martinez’s Campaign Manager Responds with Profanity to Members of Pro-life Community

By Tara Shaver

Albuquerque, NM — On Saturday, June 21, Protest ABQ held a public awareness campaign in a local neighborhood when a man, identified by group members as Jay McCleskey, Gov. Susana Martinez’s Re-Election Campaign Manager and Chief Campaign Strategist, confronted the pro-life activists stating, “You are all pieces of S***!”

“The pro-life community has been asking Gov. Martinez what she is willing to do to STOP pre-born child killing in New Mexico. We have been completely ignored until today,” stated a pregnant and astonished Tara Shaver who was present with her husband and children. Several members of our group identified Mr. McCleskey and heard his vulgarity and harsh words.

Protest ABQ continues to highlight and focus on those within our community who are supporting or condoning pre-born child killing through peaceful protests and other efforts.

Last week, pro-life groups in Albuquerque had an opportunity to expose Gov. Martinez’s inconsistent pro-life position. Despite Gov. Martinez’s campaign statements that she is pro-life, she has failed to do even one thing to address the fact that abortion remains unrestricted through all nine months of pregnancy in New Mexico.

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