
Friday, June 20, 2014

Hypothetically Speaking....

From a Facebook Friend

A mom, 4 children, married 13 years..... Her husband leaves with her best friend. The mom eventually has a boyfriend, gets pregnant and finds out she has cancer. No treatments can be done until the baby is born. (Note... She doesn't choose to kill this child but to carry it full term).

 The worse happens. The boyfriend turns very abusive. As any good mother would do, she GETS OUT immediately to protect her children, including her unborn child.

 She has no family within 1000 miles, no church. She works all night and then goes to her second job. All she leaves with is her car. No toys, clothes, furniture, etc... She just GETS AWAY.... And.... The only place she can go is to a homeless shelter.

 She stays , and there are people that can watch the children.....occasionally.

 For some reason she hears about a Pregnancy Crisis Center and goes in only to ask for some clothes for her children. Instead of handing her clothes and having her walk out. The counselor uncovers her story.

 This is the first time the mom understands there are people that are willing to help her! She cannot seem to grasp WHY?....Who are these people? She is overwhelmed with emotion. She is HUMBLE ! She is appreciative ! She is...... Also exhausted !

 No one has had a chance to "take her to church, tell her about Christ, read Bible verses to her, lecture her, judge her or give her a Bible".... YET....

 She is SEEING the works of faith before her eyes.

 Yes! Where would Faith be without Works?

 The people helping her are only seeing the Face of Christ in her and her children.

 This mom has done nothing wrong except possibly made a bad choice .... Wow! I do not know a single person who has not made a bad choice and regretted it. She has made MANY GOOD choices!!!!!

 Now, she has a relationship with a new group of friends...Yes! Friends! In time she will know that it was never those who helped her as individuals ....but CHRIST who did it ALL ! Her children will know this also.

 This is what being a Christian is !!!! This is what we are all called to do! We are nothing special, no heroes in this story, just God's children helping our brothers and sisters.

 Next time you hear of, or see someone in need....don't stop and judge them and toss a Bible at them..... Uncover their story and do what is right!

 You will be more blessed than the person needing the help.

 There will be time to invite them to church, give them a bible, witness to them. They will be much more open when life has calmed down.

 Peace & Prayers!

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