
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

New York Pro-Lifers Defeat Another Abortion Bill

Pro-Lifers Defeat New York Bill Allowing Shooting Babies Through the Heart With Poison to Kill Them
by Steven Ertelt
The pro-life community in New York has again defeated legislation in the state legislature that could have allowed a particularly gruesome method of late-term abortions.

Yet again, the New York legislature adjourned without a vote on the abortion expansion bill Governor Andrew Cuomo was pushing. The decision to not bring the bill up for a vote came after massive opposition from pro-life advocates.

Despite opposition from pro-lifers, one state legislator compared the pro-abortion bill with the 10 Commandments.

Shortly after nine o’clock this evening, the State Senate finished its business and ended the 2014 regular legislative session,” New Yorkers for Life said Friday evening. “We are pleased to report that New Yorkers for Life and our pro-life allies have successfully blocked Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Abortion Expansion Act from becoming law despite strong pro-abortion opposition. Thank you for your continued support!

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