
Saturday, June 7, 2014

Schuylkill County Clerk Files Motion to Intervene in Marriage Lawsuit

From Ted Meehan
Pro-Life Union of Delaware County

This afternoon, Jim Smith and David Crossett, attorneys with the Smith Law Group, LLC, located in Fleetwood, Berks County, Pennsylvania, and Jeff Conrad, attorney with Clymer, Musser & Conrad, P.C., located in Lancaster County, on behalf of Theresa Santai Gaffney, Clerk of the Orphan’s Court of Schuylkill County, filed a Motion to Intervene in Whitewood v. Wolf, the case in which a single federal District Judge declared unconstitutional for all Pennsylvanians, the Commonwealth’s longstanding definition of marriage as between one man and one woman. Theresa Santai Gaffney, Clerk of the Orphan’s Court, is seeking intervention in the case so that the ruling can be appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.
Governor Corbett, who had been defending the law, declined to appeal the ruling. “An appeal is necessary so that the judicial process is not abandoned,” stated Ms. Gaffney. “The people of Pennsylvania deserve to hear from the Court of Appeals on this important issue because a single judge should not be able to nullify the will of the majority without an appeal.”
Marriage between one man and one woman has always been the law in Pennsylvania. “I respect the law of our Commonwealth and the will of the people reflected in the law,” said Ms. Gaffney. “I believe that the voice of those who think that our law is constitutional and best serves all citizens of the Commonwealth should be heard.”
“Due to the uncertainty of the state of the law, I will continue issuing marriage licenses to all couples,” said Ms. Gaffney. 
One of the reasons that she is seeking to intervene in this case is to obtain clarity about her official duties.
The Motion to Intervene asks the Court for the ability to join the lawsuit for purposes of appeal.
From Joe Sterns, Executive Director
Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania

Please pray for this courageous lady, who has stood for what is right against enormous pressure to simply "go along". For anyone who is able, please find ways to encourage her as she is already being subjected to the worst that our adversaries can deliver.

Theresa Santai Gaffney is a courageous heroine who is now being savaged by the proponents of homosexual marriage. She needs your prayers and words of encouragement. Won't you be so kind as to call her office or leave a kind note on her Facebook Page (   Her office phone number is: 570-628-1382

1 comment:

  1. God go with you Theresa and Mother Theresa to follow. Amen
