
Sunday, June 8, 2014

Take Action on New Jersey's Assisted Suicide Bill ( A2270/S382)

Marie Tasy, Executive Director
New Jersey Right to Life

On June 5, the Assembly Health and Senior Services Committee held a hearing on A2270/S382.  Despite the powerful witnesses who testified against the bill and vastly outnumbered those who testified in favor of the bill, it was released from committee by an 8-4 vote.   All Democrats voted for it and all Republicans voted against it.

The committee amended the bill as follows:  (1) they changed the name to the NJ Aid in Dying for the Terminally Ill Act and (2) removed the referendum language which means, if passed, it will no longer be a ballot question for the voters to decide at election time. However, in order to become law, the Act will still have to pass both houses of the legislature and go to the Governor for his approval.   Since the bill was released from committee, the bill can now be scheduled for a vote at any time in the full Assembly. The sponsor of the bill has said that he is “reasonably optimistic” that the bill will be scheduled for a vote before the full Assembly before the end of June.  Time is of the essence!  Please take action immediately to oppose this bill!
The Bill will legalize physician assisted suicide in NJ.  Last session, Bill A3328 was released from the Assembly Health Committee in February 2013. 

Please do the following:  
1.       Please phone and email your 2 Assembly Members and State Senator and urge them to
vote no on S382/A2270. If you do not know who your legislators are, please call the Office of
Legislative Services at 1-800-792-8630 during regular business hours to request this information or
go to the legislative website.
Please also write and call Governor Christie at 609 292 6000 and urge him to veto this legislation if
it reaches his desk. 

You can email the Governor by clicking on this link. From the drop-down menu, select  "health,"
then select "hospital issues" from the subtopic menu.

You can also send a pre-written message to your legislators and the Governor if you
like by going to the Legislative Action tab on our website using this link,  or you can contact them

2.      Vote No in the polls linked below.

Poll 2 -

3. Pass this information on to 10 people you know who will do the same.

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