
Monday, June 9, 2014

The Man In The Mirror

The Man In The Mirror

Roe v Wade

This is  BIG issue to me…

By Melissa Dawn Gibson

It begins many years ago at age 15. At that time in my life, I had decided that having children was something I did not care to do.
This thinking came for many reasons. Even as young as I was, I thought my reasoning were correct.
My story begins there….
Early ‘70’s….more progressive thinking perhaps. I grew up in Palm Harbor, Fl.. small country town. You were expected to graduate High school, get married and life was good. Wrong, we were poor, my mother was unstable, divorced, I hated the whole scenario. My parents were always using we children, my two brothers and 2 sisters as pawns in a battle that could not, and upon my fathers death, never ended.
At this point, my thinking was ..never have children.
Not a year later, at sixteen, I was married. I evolved to this  for one purpose…get the hell out of this mess.
I met a boy, just three years older, from a prominent family, that looked like a dream come true.. going to save me….
I became pregnant in two months. It was a big thing to me, however, never crossed my mind to kill my child. I will be the best mom on earth. We were happy. We were blessed with my first daughter Tiffany.
She filled a part of me I did not know was missing. What a happy sweet.. spoiled rotten baby. She was the first grandchild on both sides ….
Sadly, her father died a tragic death when she was two. I was eighteen. Wow, was it hard, yes. I felt like time had spun me back, but now I was responsible for this little person. I never regretted having her, nor did I ever wish I had an abortion.
I met my wonderful husband two years later….We have six children together…Anthony, Ryan, Concetta, Victoria, and twins.. Jordon & Taylor….they just graduated this month.. yippee!!
I look at them and the productive people that they  have become…could I have disposed of them…never!!
God knows what he is doing, and shaped me into the person I am today, the person who could stand up and take the challenge.
I feel that I would have missed the world if my choice had been different.
I feel that if you are not up to the challenge of raising a child…use birth control, which is another issue I will chat about later…but murder is not an option.
In my experience of this murder, the girls is traumatized for life…I have personally  spoken with several.
Finally, I do not believe the Supreme Court should uphold this, a legal germicide…
THINK…you may not be here…
I know there are many children born everyday with no parents really caring. Our welfare system is bombarded, but murder is murder. No matter the circumstance.
We are not living in the past where having a baby is taboo…we all know it is difficult in the best of circumstances to raise child. If we continue to kill them. We will become extinct.
If you truly cannot love and care for a child, there are many couples who can’t and will….Birth control is free. Murder will always be....MURDER

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