
Monday, June 16, 2014

Why Abortion is Genocide

By Chris Rostenberg
Live Action News

“Never again!”  These words are often spoken in regards to the Nazi Holocaust, along with the phrase, “Never forget!”  But I submit that our society does not understand the Nazi Holocaust and would not accept legal abortion if it did.  What specifically is to never happen again – Germans killing millions of Jews?  What if Germany exterminated millions of Africans – would we then say the Nazi Holocaust was repeating itself?  If Russians set up concentration camps to kill Jews by the millions, would we only then say that the Third Reich had returned?  What if America killed 50 million unborn human beings – is that not akin to Nazi crimes?

The Nazi Holocaust claimed the lives of six million Jews and five million others, including gypsies, Catholics, communists, atheists, homosexuals, etc.   We need to remember that not only is it wrong to exterminate Jews, it is wrong to exterminate members of any group.

Question: should it be acceptable for a person to state, “This is a human being, but it is not a person with a right to live equal to ours – he or she can be killed for reasons that would not justify killing you or me.”?  At the beginning of a debate over abortion, I would like to set a ground rule that pro-choicers not be allowed to employ this argument.  Is it not clear that it is impossible for abortion advocates to make their case without this evil assertion?

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Chris Rostenberg was once a pro-choicer – when he thought “pro-choice” meant anyone who supported any abortion. Now he believes a pro-choicer is a person who supports nine month abortion under all circumstances. Nine-month pro-choicers make up the most destructive political movement of all time, far worse than Nazis and Soviets combined. Chris has been learning about the issue and working to educate his peers for over two decades. He believes online media will create a tipping point for young people converting to the pro-life/pro-compromise position. He also is an atheist who loves Catholics. Rock on pro-lifers and pro-compromisers!

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