
Friday, July 25, 2014

Another House of Horrors in Philadelphia? Abortion Clinic Injures Woman, Ignores Health Laws

by Eric Scheidler

After the macabre findings from notorious abortionist Kermit Gosnell’s Philadelphia charnel house were made public in 2011, lawmakers in Pennsylvania enacted legislation that ensures, among other things, that state inspectors will regularly visit abortion facilities in the state.
Recently the results of inspections [PDF] conducted recently at the Philadelphia Women’s Center (PWC) abortion facility were released — and, like so many other abortion clinic inspections, they really throw a spanner in the works of the “pro-choice” movement’s claims that heightened oversight of abortion clinics is “onerous” and “unnecessary.”
On October 9, 2013, state officials investigated a complaint [PDF] regarding informed consent. By law a physician in Pennsylvania is required to verbally explain to the woman the abortion procedure, alternatives, risks, and answer any questions she might have 24 hours before the procedure.
This allows her to get real information that should be accurate and describes the procedure that that specific physician intends to perform on her. The alternative is that consent is obtained by a clinic “counselor” which, in many cases is merely a salesperson.
Such was the case at PWC. Note: Eric Scheidler is the executive director of the Pro-Life Action League and the son of the famous pro-life activist Joe Scheidler.

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