
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Debunking the Argument that “Fetuses Aren’t Children”

Kristi Burton Brown
Live Action News

“Fetuses aren’t children.”
This was the answer I received to my tweet that said, “…Killing children – at any developmental stage – should be illegal.”
The exchange went on:
Me: “Are adolescents children? If children are children at one developmental stage, they’re children at every developmental stage.”
K.K.: “A fetus has none of the abilities/physical characteristics that even a newborn has.”
Me: “Hmmm, really? A baby at 39 wks is still a fetus. You’d really argue that she has none of the characteristics of a newborn?”
K.K.: “She obviously looks, in ultrasounds, like a baby. But she still cannot breathe, move, eat. vocalize like an infant.”
While I actually enjoy talking with the lady who was debating me, I have to shake my head at this terrible logic. By claiming “fetuses aren’t children,” she was claiming:
  1. There is an arbitrary developmental standard humans must meet to become children.
  2. Having the abilities and physical characteristics of a newborn apparently qualify a human as a child, worthy of protection.
  3. Looking like a baby is not enough. Unless you can breath, move, eat, and vocalize like an infant, you’re not human enough. And you can be freely killed.
I would propose three different solutions – ones that recognize the dignity and value of all humanity.
Kristi Burton Brown is a pro-life attorney, volunteering for Life Legal Defense Foundation and also as an allied attorney for Alliance Defending Freedom. She enjoys being a stay-at-home mom, and is married to the amazing David Brown. Together, they have the cutest two kiddos in the world! Kristi loves her Savior, Jesus Christ, speaking out for the truth, reading historical fiction, scrapbooking, politics, and cooking. 

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