
Thursday, July 10, 2014

"Face the Truth" Tour Kicks Off This Week‏

From Eric Scheidler,Executive Director 
Pro-Life Action League

The pro-life movement has scored some huge victories in the last few weeks with the Supreme Court's rulings in the Hobby Lobbyreligious freedom case and the McCullen sidewalk counseling case.

But did you know that BOTH of these victories started with GRASSROOTS ACTION?

Public protest against the HHS Mandate gave rise to the Hobby Lobby case, and the sidewalk counseling case came out of Eleanor McCullen's direct outreach to abortion-bound mothers.

That's why I'm so eager to hit the road with the Pro-Life Action League's summer "Face the Truth" Tour, July 11 to 19.

On the Truth Tour, League staff and scores of volunteers take large posters of abortion victims out to busy intersections to bring the reality of abortion to the public.

It's a controversial tactic, but it needs to be done. The 3,000 daily victims of abortion cannot remain hidden, unseen by the very society that condones their legal murder.

But I need YOUR help for this peaceful, prayerful campaign to succeed. Specifically, I'm asking for your PRAYERS.

Will you please keep me, my staff and the hundreds of volunteers who will be hitting the streets on the Tour in your prayers in the coming days?

Please pray also for the thousands who will pass by and see these disturbing pictures. Pray that hearts be moved, minds be changed and lives be saved by this powerful display.

Finally, pray for the police who will be out there protecting our First Amendment right to conduct the Truth Tour and preventing the opposition from making trouble.

You can find the full schedule for the Tour -- so you'll know exactly when we need your prayers most -- right here:

Abortion supporters like Planned Parenthood depend on slogans like "women's rights" and "reproductive choice" to keep the American people confused and apathetic about abortion.

But when you have to literally stare abortion victims in the face, Planned Parenthood's propaganda crumbles. That's what the Truth Tour is all about.

Thanks so much for your prayers and support in the coming days.

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