
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Pro-Life Updates from Waco, Texas

New article on the “Girl Scout” problem. Community activism FB group. Cross vandalized near Planned Parenthood

From John Pisciotta
 Director of Pro-Life Waco

1. A Solid Article on the Girl Scout tension with the Catholic Church.
2. Hometown Pro-Life group on FB is just about to go into orbit.
3. Cross vandalized adjacent to Planned Parenthood in Waco


1. A Solid Article on the Girl Scout tension with the Catholic Church.
We have a solid, realistic evaluation of the U.S. Bishops report (released in April) on tensions between Girls Scouts USA and the Catholic Church in American. The analysis just publish is from the National Catholic Register publication. See here. The title is “Concerns Over Girls Scouts Persists Following Bishops Investigation.” No need for me to say much. The detailed story points out a cut almost half in U.S. Catholic participation in the Girl Scouts to around 400,000. The story ends with this quote from Ann Saladin, a former Girl Scout mom, “The funding and membership numbers of GSUSA and WAGGGS are strengthened, even with the most vigilant troop leaders, so Catholic complicity in the troubling messaging of GSUSA and WAGGGS is firmly in place as long as Catholic girls are Girl Scouts.” WAGGGS is the stridently pro-abortion world organization of Girl Scouts.

2. Hometown Pro-Life group on FB is just about to go into orbit.
Hometown Pro-Life Activism (HTPLA) launched strongly and will hopefully be in orbit soon. In just 3 days, we have over 150 members. Please spread the word digitally, verbally, or in any other way you communicate. Go to the group on Facebook and click to join if you have not done so.  Once you join, you can post relating to pro-life activism and also add other members  Thanks to American Life League for an on-line article about HTPLA. I created HTPLA because I believe pro-life foot soldiers need this resource of focused posts having the sole goal of strengthening and encouraging HOMETOWN pro-life action. There are many strong branches in the pro-life movement. HTPLA exists to strengthen the branch of grass roots pro-life activism.

3. Vandalism of cross displayed near Planned Parenthood in Waco
An 8-foot high cross, erected in May directly across from Planned Parenthood Waco, has been vandalized. I found the vandalism at approximately 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 17. The wooden crossbeam has been broken in half. The location of the cross relative to Planned Parenthood Waco is clearly shown in the middle photo below. Planned Parenthood’s is seen in the background. This is by no mean the first time a pro-life display has been vandalized.  There have been problems with the pink and blue flag display during Roe week at Baylor University. Once the entire display was stolen in the dark of night. And most recently, on January of 2013, hundreds of the 4,000 small crosses in Rachel’s Park Memorial on 19th Street were destroyed by an SUV driving over them. 

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