
Wednesday, July 16, 2014




From Ambassador Alan Keyes
Chairman, Faith and Freedom Foundation

If you have heard of the "Gosnell Prerogative Act," you're one of the few Americans who know of the most outrageous legislation yet devised by the blood-thirsty Democratic Party!

Officially known as the deceptively titled "Women's Health Protection Act" (S. 1696), this proposed legislation will eliminate any and all existing restrictions on abortion in state laws nationwide!

That's right, this appalling legislation would wipe out pro-life laws in all 50 states!
And S. 1696 would then leave abortion providers – like now-convicted mass murderer Kermit Gosnell – FREE to set the standard of care for abortion WITHOUT meaningful restrictions or regulations!

I thus am writing today to alert you to this murderous scheme and ask your help to enable the Faith and Freedom Foundation to let other Americans know what the pro-death camp intends to do in answer to pro-life successes across our land!


Perhaps you've supported or helped campaign for some of the 192 restrictions to abortions passed by various states over the past two years. You likely have heard or read that many abortion mills have closed during the Obama administration, often over newly enacted medical licensing and safety regulatory requirements.

Whether you support incremental lawmaking strategies against abortion or you are always a 100% protection advocate, you will want to help us fight this battle. You see, even when a state legislature acts against abortion or a court upholds a pro-life regulation, the pro-death culture just rolls up its sleeves and goes its murderous way from a different angle.

But fear not! Our war against government-authorized child killing is not lost. This battle has only begun!

It's true that we cannot count on the continual compromise and capitulation of pro-life principle by our courts and legislatures to finally end abortion. The billion dollar money-making enterprise of abortion mills all across our land will keep on murdering unborn persons …

… UNTIL the principle of PERSONHOOD is established through an amendment to the U.S. Constitution and child killing on demand is once again unlawful in America!

That's why I am writing this message on behalf of the Faith and Freedom Foundationand the Personhood movement. I want to urge you to support Personhood as the way we can and WILL stop the murderous blight of abortion upon our land!

Please continue reading, because the only way – GOD's way – to effectively curtail and end abortion is through a Personhood Amendment.

I assure you, my friend, that the battle to end abortion will be won on the right battlefield, that of PERSONHOOD! That is why the PERSONHOOD movement is so important!

Won't you please join its ranks?

Personhood, you see, is the truth of our Creator's gift of life, of our essential human equality, of ourunalienable rights before God and man – and it thusholds the key to ending abortion! It will force our culture to rightly see an unborn human in the womb as a person!

Please take a closer look, because I believe Personhood is God's "straight and narrow path" toOVERTURN Roe v. Wade and finally END ABORTION upon demand in America. You will see that Personhood provides us with the viable means of defeating Barack Obama's party of death, which applauds abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, for any reason, and with taxpayer subsidies for those who claim they cannot afford it.

Think of it: the fact that a person is a human being is absolutely foundational, because when the term "person" is linked to a being's humanity, it reflects the presence of a particular set of attributes uniquely bestowed upon all humans by our Creator.

These attributes are universally acknowledged in our nation's Founding principles– certain unalienable, natural, individual rights – such as the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

Many legal actions have been taken via state legislation that regulates and limits abortions, with approximately 160 laws enacted since 2011. This naturally alarms abortion advocates,who are "calling in their chips" of past campaign support by demanding theirbought-and-paid-for Senators and Representatives enact federal legislation NOW that invalidates these state pro-life laws and thus guarantees the abortion industry will continue to flourish.
Imagine, if you would, the overnight invalidation of laws in 32 states that require varying degrees of informed consent prior to an abortion. Imagine, too, that 20 laws prohibiting partial-birth abortion are erased. Or that 29 state laws requiring abortion clinics to meet some degree of safety standards are eliminated.

Imagine other abortion bans, physicians' admitting privileges requirements, regulations on abortion-inducing drugs, ultrasound requirements, and limitations on the use of public funds and facilities for abortions and abortion training – all gone!

It takes no imagination to see how the vast majority of good state pro-life laws could be wiped out with the enactment of a single piece of sweeping federal legislation.
That is the unholy purpose behind S. 1696.

Faith and Freedom Foundation is pleading for your help! True, your voice is needed to expose the Gosnell Prerogative Act, which would override U.S. Supreme Court precedent as well as other legal standards, and in a grotesque conflict of interest permit abortionists themselves to set the standard of care for their patients with NO oversight from the state and no effective remedies for the abortion industry's abuses.

But more important, Faith and Freedom Foundation must have your support in order to champion the PERSONHOOD movement across our land that finally will END ABORTION once and for all time!

When the unborn child is established by definition as a person, abortion will be illegalunder the principles of human equality and equal justice of our Declaration of Independence, AND under the codification into governing law and institutions of our U.S. Constitution, the bedrock upon which our Rule of Law is established.

With innocent, unborn lives snuffed every minute, we need YOUR help NOW to keep the Faith and Freedom Foundation challenging the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate to heed the people they are elected to serve! Not only to block the Gosnell Prerogative Act, but to support the PERSONHOOD movement in Congress.

Remember: a majority of Congress has been elected repeatedly on the promise to overturn Roe v. Wade through decisive protections for innocent unborn persons. Yet our Congressional Representatives recurrently wink at unholy murder and the destruction of our First, Ninth and Tenth Amendment freedoms.


But don't stop there. Please forward or print out all of this message and share it with friends and family, indeed with everyone you know, because the American people need to fully understand Personhood! Together, we must champion the truth to our fellow believers at church, over the back fence, across the dinner table, in forum posts, on the phone, indeed everywhere possible in order to rightly sway minds.

And, of course, blast-fax Congress and our states' governors to take a close look at Personhood as the BEST path to restoring America's respect for the sanctity of life.
Above all, join me in asking God what He would have you do in support of a Personhood Amendment in your state. You see, this battle belongs to the Lord. Almighty God wants abortion to be abolished, and He wants us to seek His Counsel for the right steps to take in the right way at the right time for the right results.

Let me be frank: the Faith and Freedom Foundation must have your financial support in order to effectively follow through on a recent, crucially important Alabama high court ruling that shows why Personhood holds the key to abolishing abortion once and for all.

To reach the decisive number of voters needed to institute Personhood nationwide,America needs a fully funded Faith and Freedom Foundation! This vital grassroots organization is ideally suited and poised to educate Americans on the logical, political and spiritual aspects of Personhood.

The Foundation, however, must daily do battle against the well-funded demons of the culture of death – Planned Parenthood and the ACLU – in our defense of the unborn and the championing of the Personhood cause. As solely a grassroots-funded endeavor, we can only do what the generosity of our loyal supporters allows through their funding and engagement.

Don't relegate our life-saving endeavor to the sidelines of this cultural, political and spiritual warfare for a lack of funds. Make a stand with us on behalf of the most vulnerable and helpless person – the yet-to-be-born child. Help us defend the elderly, the infirm and the imperfect persons who the eugenicists seek to annihilate. Speak up for those who have no voice, by sending YOUR advocacy into the halls of our Statehouses and the Congress, and financially supporting our untiring efforts to engage America in this great battle for life!
It's time for patriots, like you, to take the closing sentence of the Declaration of Independence to heart and "mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor" – for our posterity.

I ask that you keep in mind that the work of the Foundation is directly constrained by the amount of financial resources we garner from our supporters. The more the Foundation receives for pro-life efforts, the more we are able to champion Personhood.

Please don't force us to the sidelines due to a lack of funds when pivotal battles rage.
If I may be so bold, think of your financial support for the Faith and Freedom Foundation as a matter of life or death! Many of our pro-life fights have dragged on in the courts and in advocacy battles over spans of many years. These efforts are financially draining to aid, sustain and support. Perhaps God has blessed you so that a donation of $5,000, or $3,000 or even $1,000 is within your means. Then reflect on this: You may be the God-honoring patriot who changes American history – AND saves hundreds of thousands of lives!
So as you consider my urgent plea, please pray, asking the Lord what He would have you do to support the Faith and Freedom Foundation's vital pro-life goal of Personhood, and help provide us the means to persevere in this contest for hearts, minds and souls  …

… Because Americans MUST be made to realize AND demand that Washington honor the truth that our rights come from God. We MUST continue to work with federal and State legislators to defend our routinely assaulted First, Ninth and Tenth Amendments. Minds must be changed so that our society grasps the truth of Personhood that human beings have NO right to take away that gift of life from any other person, including our tiny and most defenseless human beings soon to be born.

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