
Friday, July 18, 2014

New Jersey State Legislation: Action Needed on Second Planned Parenthood Funding Bill (A2795/S1203)

FromMarie Tasy, Executive Director
New Jersey Right to Life

I reported on June 30 that Governor Christie line item vetoed $7,453,000 from the Democrat state budget for Planned Parenthood, along with several other tax increases. In his veto message, he said, “The legislature’s budget, if enacted, would accomplish nothing more than to repeat the failed, irresponsible, and unsustainable policies that were commonplace in Trenton for years before my administration.”

However, action is still needed on Bill A2795/S1203. The bill passed by both houses of the legislature and was sent to the Governor. This legislation is identical to legislation previously vetoed by the Governor over the last 5 years. Planned Parenthood was recently caught on tape by encouraging teens to engage in deviant, dangerous acts. Clearly, this is an organization that should not be funded with our tax dollars. You can read the article here. Please contact the Governor and urge him to veto A2795/A1203 as he has done in the past.

Please take suggested action below.

Take Action

A2795/S1203, Provides Medicaid coverage for family planning services to individuals with incomes up to 200 percent of the federal poverty level. A2795/S1203 passed both Houses at the end of June.  The Bill is sitting on the Governor's desk awaiting action. 

Please email and call Governor Christie immediately and urge him to veto A2795/S1203.  This bill will use our tax dollars to  provide a financial boondoggle to Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider.

Governor Christie:  609 292 6000
Email the Governor:

(When emailing the Governor, Choose “health” from the drop down menu on the page)

Message for  Governor:  Please veto A2795/S1203.  I don't want my tax dollars used for this purpose.

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