
Sunday, July 13, 2014


From Priests for Life

Every year, young people who want to spend their summer making a difference make their way to the Troy, Ohio, headquarters of Stand True Pro-Life Outreach, the Youth Outreach of Priests for Life and Gospel of Life Ministries. Youth Director Bryan Kemper spends a good portion of the summer on the road with these college-age people, traveling to youth festivals and pro-life events. In between road trips, the youth get a chance to practice some sidewalk activism in Troy and in nearby Dayton. 

Already this year, they’ve caused quite a stir on the sidewalks.

Bryan posted this blog on his website,

The Stand True Mission Team arrived at the Packard Museum in Dayton about an hour before a Planned Parenthood fundraiser was scheduled to begin. We set out immediately to chalk all the sidewalks leading to the museum with pro-life and Gospel messages.  Within minutes someone from the museum came out to tell us we could not chalk near the driveways or big doors. I informed her she was wrong and invited her to call the Dayton Police.

Two Dayton Police officers showed up shortly after and talked to me for a few minutes and then went in to inform the museum that we were well within our rights.

Two employees from the museum came out and approached me to ask about what we were doing. They were both heartbroken that the event had been booked by the agency for the museum and told us how much they were on our side. It was obvious how devastated they were with the decision to host a Planned Parenthood event there.

One of the museum employees, an older gentleman, asked if I had any pro-life literature. I told him Planned Parenthood would take it away from him and he said “They will NOT stop me from passing this out inside the museum.” I loaded him up with some literature and graphic drop cards, and he went inside.

As the night progressed we set up right at the entrance to the event and showed every single person who paid $75 a ticket what their money went to and pleaded with them to stop supporting child killing. We did not get to do much pleading as fewer than 25 people went into the fully catered event. I am sure Planned Parenthood lost money that night.

Also this summer, the Troy City Council passed a law that was in effect for only four days. The law made it illegal to do sidewalk chalking on the grounds of the annual Strawberry Festival and it was passed just to stop Bryan and his team. That alone tells you how effective they are in getting out their message.

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