
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Senator Casey Votes Against Unborn Life, Religious Liberty

  From Pennsylvania Family Institute 
Wednesday was another dispiriting example of how far the apple can fall from the tree.  Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey, son of the late pro-life champion Gov. Robert P. Casey, Sr., voted yesterday for a bill designed to undo the Supreme Court's recent decision in Hobby Lobby v. Burwell.  The bill would amend the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which was the basis for the Hobby Lobby decision, and force owners of companies like Lancaster County's Conestoga Wood Specialties to pay for abortifacient drugs that violate their consciences.  Happily, the supporters of the bill did not have the 60 votes needed to move the bill forward.
            This is yet another example of the withering "pro-life" credentials of Sen. Casey.  He supported the Affordable Care Act, which places taxpayers on the hook for elective abortions, and which precipitated the current religious liberty fights over contraceptive and abortifacient drugs and procedures.  Furthermore, Sen. Casey failed to support a commonsense, non-binding resolution in the Senate that would have called for investigations in the practices of abortion clinics after revelation of the Kermit Gosnell horrors.  Instead he stood on the sidelines as his radical pro-choice colleagues killed the resolution.
            Contact Sen. Casey and ask him to honor the pro-life convictions he has campaigned on, and that have made his family name famous.  You can make the contact easily through our Citizen Action Center,  here.

The Mission of the Pennsylvania Family Institute is to strengthen families by restoring to public life the traditional, foundational principles and values essential for the well-being of society. We are a research and education organization devoted to restoring these values to our state and nation. We produce policy reports, promote responsible citizenship and work to promote unity among pro-family groups.

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