
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Hypocrisy of Nancy Pelosi

From Judie Brown
American Life League

 Tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors are flooding across the Southern border of the U.S., and Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker of the House and perhaps the most infamous "pro-abortion Catholic politician" in America chooses this time to defend children.
    Just earlier this year she was awarded AND ACCEPTED the Margaret Sanger Award from PLANNED PARENTHOOD, the largest abortionist in the U.S., and the biggest killer of babies worldwide.

    But now, she says she wants to conform to the U.S. Bishop's request to treat the incoming illegal immigrant children--who were sent unaccompanied by their own parents to the U.S.--to treat these children as if "they were baby Jesus."
    Pelosi has personally helped lead so many innocent babies, made in the image of God Himself, straight to the violent slaughter mills of Planned Parenthood--and yet she audaciously pretends to respect the teachings of the Church!

    Nancy Pelosi stating we should honor the wishes of the U.S. Bishops is like Satan himself quoting scripture, and saying we should listen to Christ. Unbelievable.
    The fact she references obedience to a U.S. Bishops statement NOW is ludicrous--it's convenient selective hypocritical insanity raised to the highest order.

   She's the walking dead, and her vomiting up the U.S. Bishops concern for illegal immigrant children is so disgustingly ironic it demands we light her up!
   It is time Congresswoman Pelosi hears from ALL OF US, that you can't be pro-abortion and be Catholic! You can't accept an award from Planned Parenthood for killing babies, then feign concern for children! (Use this link to contact Ms. Pelosi)

   Today, we are increasing our demand that Congresswoman Pelosi be put on notice by Cardinal Wuerl of Washington, D.C., that she has moved so far from the Church that she should be excommunicated, which would end her public scandal once and for all! 

   To do this, we need your prayers, and we need your help. We have been fighting this fight long enough to know that numbers matter, so please join with us today!
   God bless you and may the SCANDAL of "pro-abortion Catholics" like Nancy Pelosi be ended once and for all!

   Please use this link to help ALL with their work.  Or send a check to:

American Life League

P.O. Box 1350
Stafford, VA 22555
( please reference the email or program you are responding to )

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