
Friday, July 11, 2014


by Leslie Tignor
American Life League

Columnist Jessica Valenti recently wrote an article for The Guardian entitled “Women like sex. Stop making ‘health’ excuses for why we use birth control.” Basically she argued exactly what the title implies—that women enjoy sex and use birth control because they don’t want to have children.
What more is there to say? It’s true. And more women should just admit it! Women like sex. What’s wrong with saying it? Sex is meant to be pleasurable and provide physical, emotional, and psychological satisfaction. What’s wrong with liking sex? And, yes, by golly, lots of women also use birth control while they’re enjoying sex. Sure, some women use it for other purposes (like controlling heavy menstrual cycles, treating endometriosis, reducing acne breakouts, and the like), but the vast majority of women use birth control for just that—controlling (i.e., preventing) births. Ms. Valenti is right: We should stop making excuses for why women use birth control. 
The vast majority of women who use birth control do so, not only because they like sex, but because they’ve been taught that it’s okay. Women have been led to believe that it’s okay to use birth control because it’s safe, it’s healthy, and it’s empowering to have control over one’s fertility (or lack thereof). It’s been pounded into our heads that birth control is necessary to space births, prevent overpopulation, and make us equal to men. For more than 50 years, the feminist movement has worked overtime to indoctrinate every living female with the ideology that birth control is liberating. And any medical or scientific evidence which points to opposite findings is obviously flawed!
The problem is that it has all been one big gargantuan lie. Contraception is not safe. It’s not healthy, and it’s not liberating or empowering. Contrary to the liberal claim that conservatives are deathly afraid of sex—particularly sex that leads to pregnancy—conservatives happen to know the truth. 

Leslie Tignor is Development Coordinator and Resources Department Manager for American Life League.

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