
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Which is the Real Root of All Evil?

Recently I’ve had several conversations with family and friends about the evil that has pervaded our country and our world in our lifetimes.  We all agree that satan is the common denominator behind all the malevolence we see.  However, there is a difference of opinion as to which mortal sin has led to our nation’s moral decay. 

Most feel it was the infamous 1973 Roe v Wade decision which led to over 56 million preborn babies being murdered, just in our nation alone.  I, however, would like to offer a different theory. 

Does the name Madalyn Murray O'Hair ring a bell?  This woman was best known for her role in the landmark 1963 Supreme Court decision which ended prayer in our public schools across our nation.  And we’ve all seen where that has led.  

Now we are allowed to utter all kinds of profanity in the name of “freedom of speech”, but praying publicly could get you arrested or suspended from school.   

I feel in allowing God and prayer to be taken out of our public lives, we have opened a Pandora’s box which has led to, among other things, abortion-on-demand;  an increase in murders and rapes; pedophilia; acceptance of pre-marital sex and homosexuality; and recently in some states laws promoting assisted suicide.  

We have watched our religious freedoms gradually come under attack by those who have plainly sold their souls to the devil, and pretended it would all just go away.  Can we really ask God to bless us and our nation when we, by our silence, have allowed all this to happen? 

I believe that by not standing up and fighting back in the early 60’s and 70’s, we have allowed all the above to evolve. 

But, which is the real root of all the evil in our country?  It is my humble opinion that allowing the taking of prayer out of the schools and our public lives, is the real root of all the evil in our county. And abortion is one the consequences of this action, or better yet our inaction.

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