
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Abortion’s Message: Be Like a Man, with a Helping of Hypocrisy

by Gabriel Garnica
Catholic Stand

It is nauseating to hear the pathetic mantra that opposing abortion is opposing women and, in fact, that being pro-life is somehow waging a war on women.  I am having difficulty coming up with a more ironic and absurd claim than this one.
Between various studies showing a link between abortion and breast cancer, depression, later miscarriages, and subsequent infertility, as well as the ultimate message of abortion, it should be clear by now that, if anything, it is abortion which represents a very real war on womanhood.
The early feminist icons recognized that abortion was a surrender of womanhood on two counts. First, abortion was a paradoxical claim for women to demand since its very essence is the declaration, and implicit assertion, that someone was somehow less worthy, less human, less entitled to self-determination. After all, does not abortion begin with the assumption that the human life inside the mother is not human at all but, rather, a mere glob of cells not worthy of any special protection?
Is it not ironic that women, while demanding to no longer be treated as mere property to be disposed when convenient at a whim should turn around and, with a straight face, spew that their unborn children are, in fact, mere property to be disposed of when convenient at a whim?
Gabriel Garnica has been an educator for over 30 years and a Catholic and conservative writer for over half that time. He is presently a columnist for and and is proud and honored to bring his contributions to CatholicStand. Although he is both a licensed attorney and has a counseling degree, Gabriel is excited about his new career effort as a life and business coach. He shares his insights and perspectives on faith at Deus Solus and hopes to add a life coaching blog and website in the near future as well. Gabriel has a J.D. from New York University and a M.S. Ed. in counseling from Fordham University.

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