
Friday, August 1, 2014

Another Deeply Deceptive Pro-abortion Bill Introduced, This Time in Pennsylvania

By Maria Gallagher, Legislative/PAC Director, Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation
The abortion industry and its allies incessantly insist that pro-lifers are waging a “War on Women.” But as a new bill in Pennsylvania illustrates once more, it is pro-abortionists who habitually treat women as if they are too immature to be told the truth about abortion and its risks.
The weapon of choice, in this case, is a deceptively named Pennsylvania bill called the “Patient Trust Act.”
House Bill 2303 is sponsored by known abortion advocate Rep. Dan Frankel (D-Allegheny County). The Senate version, Senate Bill 1456, is sponsored by a one-time pro-life legislator who is now running for Lieutenant Governor on a pro-abortion platform, Senator Mike Stack (D-Philadelphia County).

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