
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Defunding Planned Parenthood‏

Martin Fox, President
National Pro-Life Alliance

Just recently a young woman from Texas was faced with the harsh truth about Planned Parenthood and their real motives.

This University of Houston Texas student discovered she was pregnant and was in need of regular medical attention.

The Planned Parenthood super center is located very close to the university, so her parents suggested that she go into the center for a regular checkup since their daughter had no health insurance.

I suppose they were naive, but little did they know that their young daughter would be in the hands of pro-abortion advocates.

The student, alongside her fiancé, walked into the abortion clinic thinking that Planned Parenthood would help.

To their surprise Planned Parenthood staff at first refused to do anything unless she paid for the medical exams upfront. Finally after a two hour wait, a Planned Parenthood employee asked the student a question she never imagined.

"Do you want to have an abortion if you're pregnant?" asked the Planned Parenthood employee.

When the student and her fiancé made it clear that she was not there for an abortion, she was summarily dismissed and invited not to return.

It is not hard to imagine how many other pregnant young women walk into a Planned Parenthood facility seeking medical help, but lacking conviction in tough circumstances, allow themselves to be enticed to kill their babies -- a decision that they will regret for the rest of their lives.

Clearly the financial plug needs to be pulled from Planned Parenthood.

One million taxpayer dollars a day to this abortion giant is one million dollars a day too much.

Now both the pressure to cut the budget, combined with the outrage over Planned Parenthood’s tactics make this a perfect time to end tax funding of abortion.

The National Pro-Life Alliance is entirely dependent on voluntary contributions to keep our vital programs running. We receive no government funding.

To help the National Pro-Life Alliance in this crucial fight, please consider making a contribution using this link.

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