
Saturday, August 16, 2014

Fiesta Banquet for Guiding Star Maternity Home

From Abby Johnson

Several months ago, I shared with all of you that I am helping to start a maternity home in Bryan, TX...the same town where my former Planned Parenthood facility was located. We knew that we needed to provide REAL help to women who are experiencing unplanned pregnancies.

We are excited to announce our first ever benefit that will be held on October 2nd. If you live in the area, we really would love to have you join us! Tickets are free! Table sponsorships are free!

You can get more information and RSVP for our event at here.

You don't want to miss this event! It is going to be super fun!!

Abby Johnson is Founder and President of And Then There Were None clinic worker outreach, sidewalk counselor, public speaker, author...most importantly, wife and mother. 

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