
Monday, August 11, 2014


by Chris Rostenberg
Crisis Magazine

When I first heard, in the 1990’s, that abortion was legal through all nine months of pregnancy, I couldn’t believe it.  If that were true, why would it not be common knowledge?  Why would there be debate over where life began?  I had just abandoned the pro-choice movement and was researching the pro-life position and was finding most of what they said quite persuasive.  But how could abortion be legal until birth?  Many other people who I have spoken to also could not believe the law could be so extreme.  I snuck into a local law library and read Roe vs. Wade and its companion case, Doe vs. Bolton, and discovered the pro-lifers were telling the truth: abortion really is legal through all nine months, in every state, for any reason, and has been since 1973.

As I’ve written elsewhere:  Either by design or by accident, our law is confusing in the extreme.  The Supreme Court in Roe vs. Wade made it seem as if only early abortion was legal, saying that the states, if they wished, could make late abortion illegal.  They can’t.  In Roe vs. Wade’s companion case, Doe vs. Bolton, the High Court squashed the states’ right to make third trimester abortions illegal.

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Chris Rostenberg was once a pro-choicer – when he thought “pro-choice” meant anyone who supported any abortion. Now he believes a pro-choicer is a person who supports nine month abortion under all circumstances. Nine-month pro-choicers make up the most destructive political movement of all time, far worse than Nazis and Soviets combined. Chris has been learning about the issue and working to educate his peers for over two decades

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