
Saturday, August 23, 2014


By Judie Brown, President/Co-Founder
American Life League

Moral theologian William Smith once commented that “all social engineering is preceded by verbal engineering.” In today’s 140-character Twitter world, what this means is that it is not very hard to manipulate language to deceive an unaware public.
This is why the culture defines the act of aborting a baby as an “issue”! Talk about robbing the humanity from a person by the word you use!
One of the most effective verbal engineering experts in our midst today is Planned Parenthood, whose sloganeering is designed to deceive and kill. For example, we recently learned that a York, Pennsylvania, Planned Parenthood defined abortion as a “voluntary miscarriage.” My first reaction, penned in a late-July commentary, stated, “The arrogance of such comments is indicative of what happens when a culture loses respect for the Creator of the human person.”
But as someone who has never experienced the deep sadness and loss that an actual miscarriage brings to the parents of that deceased baby, I really missed the point. Planned Parenthood’s latest quip is not only brutally dishonest, but insulting to every miscarried baby and his parents. 
One father of a miscarried child wrote, “There were tears, but more so than expected. My wife and I wanted to let our children know just how losing this baby was as hard and painful as if we had lost any of them. It was a terrific opportunity orchestrated by God and our baby in heaven whom we named Gabriel to make an indelible mark on our children’s hearts and in their brains that every life, no matter if it only was a barely recognizable 12-week-old baby, was just as precious as any of them are.”

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