
Saturday, August 9, 2014

Mothers Against Children

Colorado’s senator, Mark Udall, is running for reelection this year. Apparently his opponent has taken some positions on various questions that are upsetting to the senator, so much so that his campaign public relations folks have created an ad “exposing” his opponent.
I never get involved in politics because, as is clear in this race, there is no man of pro-life principle involved. But let’s take a look at the ad in question. Whether you are a man or a woman, a young person or a more mature one, the message has got to chill your bones unless, of course, you are a dyed-in-the-wool abortion advocate. The reason for my sickened response is simple.
You see, the content of the ad and the actors playing the roles of mother and child struck me immediately as a sign of the times in which we live. Why, you might ask, did I feel a gut wrenching twist as I viewed it?
The young mother and her daughter look lovingly into the camera as the mother explains that she wants her daughter to have the same “choices” she has had in her lifetime. This young mother wants her daughter to be able to decide to choose the abortion of a child in the future because she, the mother, could have aborted her daughter if that had been her decision. The choice is what is important, she is saying, not what the result of the choice could be—life or death of a human being.

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