
Friday, August 15, 2014

Pro-abortionist Foregoes the Usual Pretense: Having an Abortion is “Not Difficult”

By Dave Andrusko, Editor
National Right to Life News Today

We describe EMILY’s List as a wealthy pro-abortion PAC that supports only female Democrats who accept no limitations on abortion whatsoever–plus the rest of us are supposed to pay for abortions. No Republican women, no men of either party—only female Democrats who are as extreme as EMILY’s List is will receive their dollars.
So it didn’t surprise me this morning when Janet Harris, a former communications director for EMILY’s List, would pen an op-ed for the Washington Post trashing anyone who might suggest that having an abortion is a “difficult decision.”
That included the largest abortion provider in the galaxy, Planned Parenthood, and Hillary Clinton who (according to Harris) described the decision to have an abortion as “one of the most fundamental, difficult and soul-searching decisions a woman and a family can make” and “often the most difficult [decision] that a woman will ever make.”
Of course, neither Clinton nor PPFA is even remotely sincere. That is the protective shield they have donned because it “permits pro-choice candidates to look less dogmatic.”
But to Harris, that’s the point. Dogmatism is good. Put another way, there is no reason to say having an abortion is difficult. In fact there are two very good reasons not to.

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