
Monday, August 11, 2014

Pro-Life Novena for Unborn Babies

September 29th, 30th; October 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th  •  2014

                        The multinational Pro-Life Novena for Unborn Babies is a special
                        nine days for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass to be offered and the 
                        Rosary to be prayed for the following intention:  
For the protection
                        of unborn human persons

                           You may be a part of the September 29th - October 7th PRO-LIFE
                        NOVENA FOR UNBORN BABIES
 by doing one or both of the

                       1) Have the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered* at least once on 
                           any of the following days:  
(September 29th, 30th; October 1st,
                                 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th)

                           2) Pray one Rosary on each of the following days(a total of
                          nine Rosaries):
(September 29th, 30th; October 1st,
                                2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th)

          The intention for all Masses and Rosaries is:  For the protection 
                     of unborn human persons.

                     A person may learn how to register for the Novena by clicking on the
                      Registration page.  The Promoting the Novena page gives a
                     number of ideas concerning how you can let other people know about
                     the Novena.  The 
Bulletin Insert/Poster page can be printed out and
                     then given to family members, friends, etc.

                     Please, do for the unborn babies that which they can not do for
                     themselves: Have a Mass offered and/or pray a novena of
                     Rosaries for their protection. 
(With regards to having one or more
                     Masses offered,
 you may want to simply call your parish and ask what
                     you need to do.)

                    *Any priest offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass needs to be in
                      good standing with the Catholic Church which has Pope Francis,
                      the 265th successor of Saint Peter, as pope.
  Also, if you are
                     unfamiliar about how to have a Mass offered, you may want to
                     contact your parish and ask what you need to do.  (You may also
                     contact a religious order or a priest
 you know to ask the same

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