
Saturday, August 30, 2014


By Judie Brown, President/Co-Founder
American Life League

After Tiller is a film set to air on Labor Day, September 1, 2014, on Public Broadcasting Service. The drama is being presented to the public as a “point of view” telecast and the subject matter centers around the four abortionists who now do late-term abortions in America. This documentary tells the stories of the four practitioners and some of their patients.

PBS is promoting the show by telling prospective viewers: “After Tiller presents the complexities of these women’s difficult decisions and the compassion and ethical dilemmas of the doctors and staff who fear for their own lives as they treat their patients.”

Lana Wilson, one of the directors of the film, spoke in an interview about whether or not the abortionists were in any danger due to pro-life protesters. Her answer astounded me:

The doctors will be the first to acknowledge that people can disagree about this issue. They understand that. But, should the level of vitriol for these doctors really be so high that people are assassinating them? . . . Let’s try to have more compassion for them instead of judging. You can disagree with them, but why do it in such a vitriolic way that it just promotes hatred?

It would take a small book to unpack the distortions in this woman’s answer, let alone the entire interview. But this quote does provide a window into the thinking behind the story. And it tells its own story about the cultural devastation that 40 years of decriminalized abortion has created.

In secular commentary I have read about this film, there is not a single suggestion that these doctors are practitioners who are in the business of killing people for a living. One is left with the impression that the world is comfortable with abortion and uncomfortable with anyone who protests the act.

What a sad state of affairs, America!

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