
Thursday, August 28, 2014

‘Shame on PBS!’: The Late-Term Abortion Documentary That Has One Group Fuming

by Billy Hallowell
The Blaze

A pro-life organization is demanding that PBS cancel a controversial airing of the documentary “After Tiller,” a film that sheds light on the personal and professional stories surrounding doctors who regularly perform third trimester abortions.
“After Tiller’ is nothing short of pure propaganda intended to demonize the entire pro-life movement and drum up support for late-term abortion,” Judie Brown, president of American Life League, said in a press release. “Why are pro-life tax dollars being used to paint a sympathetic picture of abortionists who stab babies in the base of their skulls just moments before they are born?”The American Life League, a Catholic organization, is calling the film a work of propaganda, asking PBS to rethink its decision to air it on Labor Day.
After Tiller’ is nothing short of pure propaganda intended to demonize the entire pro-life movement and drum up support for late-term abortion,” Judie Brown, president of American Life League, said in a press release. “Why are pro-life tax dollars being used to paint a sympathetic picture of abortionists who stab babies in the base of their skulls just moments before they are born?”

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