
Monday, August 25, 2014


From Reverend Katherine Marple

Lots of recent legislation in MANY states will shut down MANY abortion facilities, but not all of them….by design. In Texas, Ohio and Louisiana laws that are essentially the same across the board were designed to protect the lives of the unborn AND the women who choose to kill their child. This year in a Cleveland facility, a woman died from the procedure. Was anything done about it? Well, Preterm is still open so I’d say NO. Read all of the documentation of this and others here. 
Laws have been put into place by legislators to protect. These have been tested for their constitutionality so that they can survive past committee.

For instance, Martin Haskell in Ohio has been told that since he cannot meet the new requirements, he has to shut down. Period. He claims he has a constitutional right as an abortionist to stay open…but the truth is he has a lucrative business that he is not willing to give up on. The blood money he makes from killing unborn children keeps him in luxury homes and vehicles. This also holds true to the owner of Capital Care Network of Toledo who cannot meet the new law requirements; currently she has been given a ‘stay’ so she can ‘do business’.

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