
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Weekend of Remembrance. 2nd Sunday with Pojman. Demonstrate Austin PP Gala

Pro-Life Updates from Waco Texas 

 From John Pisciotta, Director 
 Pro-Life Waco

1. Annual National Remembrance for Aborted Children in Waco
2. 2nd Sunday Sept. 14, with Dr. Joe Pojman of TAL.
3. Sept. 14 demonstration at Austin Planned Parenthood fundraising banquet.
4. Vote Pro-Life campaign in Waco.
5. Hometown Pro-Life Action on Facebook.


1. Annual National Remembrance for Aborted Children in Waco
Pro-Life Waco will participate in the National Remembrance for Aborted Children on the weekend of September 13/14. Nationally, the event is coordinated by Priests for Life and the Pro-Life Action League. Rachel’s Park Memorial at 4702 N. 19th Street is one of 43 gravesites in the U. S., which holds the remains of an aborted baby. On this weekend, you are invited to go out to this site to pray and show your respect for this baby lost to abortion. Rachel’s Park Memorial has been a location that has brought healing and reconciliation to many who have been involved in an abortion. You can’t miss Rachel’s Park with the 4,000 small white crosses. The Pro-Life Waco Second Sunday meeting on September 14 (1-2 p.m. at St. Mary’s Parish hall) will also remember and honor the over 50 million babies nationwide and close to 20 thousand in Waco lost to abortion.

2. 2nd Sunday September 14, with Dr. Joe Pojman of TAL.
I can hardly wait for our Second Sunday Pro-Life Gathering on September 14. Our speaker will be Dr. Joe Pojman, the founding director of Texas Alliance for Life in Austin. At TAL, Joe has been the top architect for recent Texas pro-life legislation—the strongest in the nation. The 2013 Texas law (filibustered by Senator Wendy Davis) is currently challenged in federal court in Austin. By September Second Sunday that decision should be rendered. Joe will give us the inside scoop about court proceedings plus the possible moves in the 2015 legislative session. Come out and listen to Joe. Thank him for his hard and effective work. Clearly the pro-life laws past in 2011 and 2013 were instrumental in ending the shedding of innocent blood in Waco in August of 2013. Isn’t it wonderful to remember that the Planned Parenthood holocaust has ended in Waco? You know the routine on Second Sunday.  The meeting from 1-2 p.m. will be preceded by food and fellowship during the noon hour. Just $3 for adults. Children and first-time attendees are free.

3. Sept. 14 demonstration for Austin Planned Parenthood fundraising banquet.
Pro-Life Waco is again organizing a demonstration for the Austin Planned Parenthood fundraising banquet at the Hyatt Regency Austin Hotel (208 Barton Springs Road). The demonstration will be from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, September 14. A carpool (a van if we have enough) will depart for Austin from the St. Mary’s Waco parking lot at 2:20 p.m. (No charge.) You can come to Second Sunday and then join the fun by going on to Austin. We will be meeting pro-life friends from the Austin area and hopefully Houston and other cities. We will be demonstrating on the public sidewalks at the entrance on Barton Spring. Signs will be available. Aborted baby signs will be included this year. We believe the Austin elite who enthusiastically support the shedding of innocent blood should see this reality. After the demonstration, we will go to a nearby restaurant for fellowship and a meal provided by Pro-Life Waco. For information and to reserve a spot in the car pool, contact John Pisciotta at 254-644-0407. Last year about 25 came together for this special “greeting” to abortion enthusiasts.  
Please read my essay entitled, “Why we should demonstrate to challenge Planned Parenthood events.” You can read a PDF file by clicking

4. Vote Pro-Life campaign in Waco.
This week we are launching the campaign in full force with billboards and yard signs. We already have a Vote Pro-Life billboard message up at Franklin Ave. at about 16th Street. By the end of this week we will have 6 junior billboards with the same message in the greater Waco area. And most importantly, there are yard signs that say “Vote Pro-Life.” Signs are free.  Your can pick yours up at my front doorstep facing Grim Ave @ 4200 Grim Avenue.

5. Hometown Pro-Life Action on Facebook.
Finally, the Facebook group I launched has been quite a success. There are over 1300 members! Many informative postings for hometown pro-life action. Please go to this group and click on “Join.”

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